The short project we just finished was very independent. While we have worked by ourselves during the year, this alone was our creation entirely. The other projects we always structured and we had guidelines, if loose, but we had guidelines. This project was all up to us. We could do basically anything we wanted to, given the materials and the time we had. I decided to take a very different approach to my project than I have with anything else yet this year. At first, I was totally oblivious and had no idea what I was going to make. I had wanted to do something with photography but with the amount of time that would have been difficult. So I started making lists and drawing ideas out in my sketch book. I ended up with a drawing of random sketches put together that looked really cool. At that instant, I knew that is what I wanted to make. I drew my design and loved it. But then I thought to myself, hmm there is a lot of white space I need to take up. Do I want to draw little things or big things? Immediately, I knew I wanted to pursue something intricate. I looked online for tattoo designs, especially henna tattoos done on hands and arms since those tend to be the most detailed. I found a design I loved and started free handing it on my page. It looked perfect. I wanted to mirror that image on the other side of the page but re drawing this detailed design was going to take forever so I photocopied it and pasted it upside down on the other side. This worked out very nicely. But then, my center image did not flow so I erased all my beginning work and had some trouble finding a center focal point. I messed around with some ideas and then found one that worked. I drew it in and then filled up the white space with random henna designs. Along the way, I found a way to collaborate many pieces of work together to make a whole drawing, and I definitely learned that changing my drawing is okay.
My Family Still Life
14 years ago