This project made you utilize two different parts of your brain, the part that is creative and makes ideas, and the one that isn't afraid to get messy and goes through with the project. You had to use your hands to form shapes with the clay, but you also had to get a creative idea, then execute it. I decided to choose a butterfly on a puzzle board. I am very much like a butterfly because I am a free spirit who likes to flutter around and be adventurous and colorful while I fly all over the place, creating memories. I chose a puzzle board because while the can be messy to begin with, but the end result is always a clean cut picture with no depth, which is VERY unlike me. I am too all over the place to be a puzzle but I am just like a butterfly. In the past, I was no fan of clay after one particularly rowdy experience where my hair got stuck in the wheel... you can imagine the rest! Also clay is very sticky and dry and gets into your pores and under your nails and yuck, not my thing, I like being clean. I made myself as in intricate butterfly with many different textures on the wings. I chose to make patterns because it shows all the loose ends and differences about me and my life. I discovered that it is very hard to put clay together and get it to stick and you MUST slip and score a lot.
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