Balance - Is when the visual weight of the artwork feels equally distributed. 4 different types of balance, symmetry, approximately symmetrical, asymmetry, radial.
Symmetry - Similar, the same when you draw a line down the middle of the shape, it is the same on the left as it is on the right.
Approximately Symmetrical - Almost symmetrical, not quite, almost.
Asymmetry - Opposite of symmetry.
Radial - Same left and right, doesn't matter where we put the line, same if I divide it anywhere.
Emphasis - Is when one element in an artwork appears to be more important or attract the most attention, we say it creates
Placement - Where artists place things matters, always thinking about where things go.
Contrast - When something is very different to what is around it.
Grouping - Creates a focus, when artists put a lot of elements and put the elements right around the thing they want you to focus on
Rhythm & Movement - Referring to how the artists guides the viewer through the work of art
Repetition - Same elements, alternating elements, progression
Leading Lines - Lines that help us travel through a painting
Implied Movement - Showing that something is moving although it really isn't
Optical Movement - When there is some repetition that tricks your eyes into thinking that moving is happening
Actual Movement - When something actually moves
Proportion - Size relationships of the parts to one another or to the whole. Words we might use like a lot, a little, many, few, big, small... etc. How the work looks, the possibility of creating a story or emotional component
Unity - is the feeling that all the elements in a work of art belong together.
Variety - is achieved by introducing some difference into the picture to increase visual interest.
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