I am not entirely sure which aspects of my story came through the most because my portrait isn't really a typical story. It really is just a jumble of things that make me, me, coming together as one. My artistic choices that came through the most is where I placed things. I have me centered to show that the portrait is about me, and then if you still couldn't tell, I put the lower and middle halves of my body in tinfoil so they shine. Then I have something else in each corner of the paper. The right hand corner on the top is a heart in hand. This corner was my favorite to do because it showed that I put a lot of heart into everything I do. The bottom right hand corner is the earth and since I am depicted sort of floating above it, that represents that my head is sometimes in the clouds. Before I even started pasting things on to my paper, I gave the placement of my items a good thought so that whatever my story was, could come through in whatever way the person looking at it made of it.